January 25, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of
The Board of Directors of the Merion Civic Association
January 25, 2022 Via Zoom
Directors Present
Bruckman, Eisenberg, Feuer, Greenberg, Halpern, Hill, Lazar, Murphy, Rutzel, Saltzberg, Guthrie, Schafmeister, Gordon, Lavoritano.
President Bruckman welcomes the participants and Kathleen Abplanalp – Director of Historic Preservation at the Lower Merion Conservancy. She notes the February meeting will be held via Zoom. Hopefully the March meeting can be in-person, but the situation will need to be monitored before deciding how to proceed.
Special Guest
Kathleen Abplanalp speaks about the history of the Merion train station.
Merion was considered a national prototype of civic associations in the early 1900s (around the time of its inception). Merion Civic historically took great pride and care in the train station, including spending $30,000 to plant rose beds along the railroad and install street lights and 112 decorative street signs. The civic lobbied the PA Railroad for a new train station that cost $17,000 (after the aforementioned improvements financed from its own coffers).
Approval of Minutes
The November 2021 Board Meeting Minutes were approved with a proposed edit noting that we added five trees in the fall.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Dave Rutzel reported on finances. MCA finances are in good shape. Assets just exceeded $30,000 -- the first time in 7 years. The Treasurer’s Report for November and December 2021 were approved. President Bruckman notes we met our dues goals for 2022 already.
Commissioner’s Report
Commissioner Todd Sinai, newly elected President of the Board of Commissioners, presented a thorough picture of the most pressing issues before the commissioners.
Lower Merion Township is getting $25 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds which are designed to be used for things like revenue replacement and COVID-related spending. The Township has received the first $12.5 million and of that the BOC has allocated $9 million for a capital project involving the Ardmore Avenue Community Center/Palm in Ardmore, $1million for renovations at Ashbridge House in Rosemont (which will be used by the New Horizons Senior Center), and additional monies for Bryn Mawr Community Center, an East Levering Mill Rd pedestrian safety project, and storm water work.
Over the next few months the BOC will solicit input on how to spend the second $12.5 million of ARP funds.
Heads up: The Planning Commission and the Building and Planning Commission will see more of the 1/2/3 Bala project coming through, including lots of residential development based on plans submitted under the old zoning code and extensive office buildings developments.
Fed of Civics Report
The most recent meeting was a “State of the Civics” rundown. There was little additional content covered.
St. Joes
St Josephs University will be applying for a permit with PECO to build an underpass connecting the main campus to the Lower Merion campus. Construction is expected to begin in June.
St. Josephs will also begin to renovate the former Barnes museum and residence and there will be a big outdoor opening for the museum in June 2022.
St. Charles
We expect MLH to put forth a plan relatively soon for public review so they can be shovel-ready when the Seminary vacates the site in fall 2024.
School Board
The LMSD SB voted to keep the tax increase within the ACT 1 limit.
The new Superintendent wants to work closely with the community – he’s been having many meetings with various community groups to get acquainted, to hear their views, and answer questions.
Black Rock MS will open in the fall. At that time, all rising 5th graders will be relocated to middle schools. This change will result in new bus routes so be on the lookout. All temporary modulars at elementary schools (like Merion Elementary) that were housing overflow enrollment will be removed and the sites will be returned to grass.
Fire and Public Safety
Union Fire Station is getting lots of calls from new buildings and from false alarms.
The LM fire marshall is stepping down.
Union FS is still planning to convert the second floor of the station to residences for fire fighters. Previously the space generated revenue as a venue rental but those opportunities have dried up with Covid. Housing the volunteers on the premises will speed up time dispatched to fires.
Nothing to report
Station and Grounds
Spring cleaning will be coming soon.
10 students from Build On helped with fall cleanup. Scott and Carol noted how terrific the Build On volunteers have been.
Old Business
Dues: By next month we will have surpassed our target. The envelopes seem to be the most effective way to collect dues, compared to Paypal links. We also collected 85 emails in the process – perhaps not all new – which will be helpful for further communications.
Food Bank: Base on the in-kind and financial donations we received, we were able to take a SUV filled with food and clothes to the Bible Way Baptist Church food bank. There will be another delivery next week. We plan to take coats, mittens and food.
New Business
Website: Work will begin shortly and will progress over the next few months on a new website. The plan is to use a simple platform rather than a more extensive membership tool which had been considered and researched previously. Please share photos that would be appropriate to include on the website. The main goal of the website is to provide up-to-date information including how to make contact with Merion Civic.
New Residents: We will resume efforts to welcome new residents in the next few months, based on the format used by Helen Guy previous. Residents will receive a gift bag with a welcome letter, a small plant, and a handbook of useful information. Handbook development is underway as is the construction of a list of new residents.
Trees: The Botanical Society might be interested in planting some trees in the spring. Orsi would like to place order for trees by first week of Feb. $55 for street/$95 for backyard trees. If residents are interested, we could do a small planting this spring, since the Botanical society is interested.
Tree Tender training through the Philadelphia Horticultural Society is available for anyone who is interested. Tree tenders are necessary to assist with tree plantings done in conjunction with PHS.
The Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance update is at a second-draft stage. The Shade Tree Commission contributed significantly to the changes in the drafts.
Green initiatives:
Someone from PECO will speak about energy assessments at our next meeting.
A speaker on the topic of composting is under consideration for a later meeting.
Flag Day concert:
This is scheduled for June 14, 5:30-7:30. Planning is in its infancy.
The meeting is adjourned upon unanimous voice vote.